What do you have to do to tell some one that it's over. Four dates, that's all. Nothing serious, it didn't work out, in my books we didn't gel. So please FUCK OFF!! No more nasty sms messages at 11pm telling me I'm not a man because I didn't answer your call. I was at fucking soccer training, I always go to soccer training on Thursday nights, but you wouldn't know that because we never discussed it on our FOUR dates.
Don't act like you know what's best for me, you've spent a total of 22 hours of your life with me. I'm starting to be thankful it wasn't an hour, a minute or even a second longer. You freak!!
Why do I pick em, why do I pick crazy possessive controlling women to date, I have to find the flaw in my personality that allows them into my life. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm the freak, I dunno.
Yes you all have to read this, its my blog, I use it to vent occasionally, I suppose this is actually Rant XI, but I consider this slightly above a rant. So if you notice an unexplained absence of posts sometime in the near future and you know me, please pop round and make sure I'm not nailed to my front door by a cooks knife and check my pet bunny hasn't been boiled!!
Oh and I got my books back, she dumped em at a mutual friends place. So a bit of a win at the end!!