That's The Red Castle for you uneducated types. Saw on the news last week or so that this iconic Motel/Dining mecca had caught fire. Long abandoned it would be a shame if that's how it met its end. Looks like only the top floor was burnt but I could be wrong. I remember this place from when I was a kidlet, the red brick castle tower poking over the trees...
So as I passed by this morning I decided to have a close up look, I kinda have a thing for old abandoned stuff, apart from the fire damage it looks like you could spend some cash and make it look great again. But as these things go that's probably not the whole story.
I think the round window was the main restaurant or bar back in the day, Sweet Things above might have been a later addition.
Loving the beer keg door handles.
Loving the beer keg door handles.
There's even the remains of the old waterfall that led into the moat, looks to oddly have a Japanese theme goin on in the right side pic
bonus add ons additional info section below
This wine menu for the King Arthurs Table Restaurant at the Red Castle popped up on the The Worst of Perth a few years back, figured they will slot in here nicely, note the outrageous prices...
Fingers crossed there is a future for the Red Castle, but I doubt it, that's a lot of expensive land with city views right there.
chris from port denison.
Looked back at the first post a while back myself, certainly an evolution hehe :)