I've just discovered the most awesome thing. Landgate have released a Perth Metro Aerial Survey from March 1965. You can view it in Google Maps and see what your address and street looked like back in 65. I just did some spying around the street I grew up in in Wilson and wow... my childhood home was just a few years old back then and the street only had a few houses in it...
This is a wide shot of Wilson, Shelley bridge and Leach Hwy are not even begun, farm land to the south east for as far as you can see (now Ferndale) |
zooming in on my street Highview Tce |
Zooming in on my childhood home |
My childhood home and street now |
and same shot back then |
Click the link at the top of the page and have some fun. Look for things like the Kwinana Freeway ending at Canning Bridge |
and drive in movie theatres like the Bentley one, cnr Leach | and Albany Hwy if it was still there today |