This is probably one of the toughest entries to make on my blog so far. I've spent a good part of the day thinking about what I can say.
My boss, my mentor, my pal Bruce died two days ago. He was way too young. Thats him on the left in the picture.
Bruce was a unique character. He could make you laugh, frustrate the hell out of you and blow you away with his amazing intellect - all in the space of a few minutes at times.
Bruce gave me one of the two breaks I have had in my career as an archaeologist, but definately the most important of the two. He stood in front of me the first day I met him, my casual job interview and said, "I've just realised that you're an historical archaeologist" I replied "yeah", he said "do you have a problem doing prehistorical work?" I said "no". He said "Great, just one more thing, don't fuck me around and I wont fuck you around", I said " promise I wont". I don't think I ever did and I know he never did. I also know or knew after a few months of working with him that all of that was just Bruce messin with me, his kind of joke :o) but it still rang true.
Myself and everyone who worked with or knew Bruce is going to miss him very much, archaeology in Australia is poorer for the loss.
It was a pleasure Mr Veitch!