Now back when I was 15 and 16 all the guys I played soccer with were mods and it was kinda natural to become one as well, cept you spent most of the time hoping you wouldn't get bashed by skinheads!! We used to hang out at a place called John Paul Scooters, it was a place everyone brought their Vespas to be repaired.

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Quadrophenia was the movie we all had to see and when you accessorised your Vespa, this is how it looked, just like Jimmys!

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But not in the 21st century apparently, now you put animal ears on your helmet and attach the Foot On, which is a little protection that you can mount and lock on the gear pedal whose purpose is to protect your shoes from getting damaged. THE WHAT NOW?? ANIMAL EARS AND SHOE PROTECTORS!! THE F#CK!! Sigh :o(

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Bunny Ears

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The Foot On

How the times change my friends, how they change, you can buy these sad arsed accessories online at Tucano Urbano, which is a funkily designed website at least.
