I looked and then I looked again and I didn't make the A list, so I checked the B list and the C list, nup :o( I guess YeLPar just isn't reaching enough people in its' infancy. Ah well maybe one day.
I think blogging may have its head up its arse at the moment. I mean really, a site dedicated to the top 50 blogs on the web. Who decides this stuff and more importantly why? And then to coin a new word - Blogebrity - to describe this load of bollocks. WTF?? I wont be checking it again, but if I do make the list let me know wont ya :o) HA!
Of course next time Shahn is in town we are gonna have to hear all about the book on the nun :sigh: I doubt the nuns that special ;o)
Told ya I was gonna blog the pic hehehe!!
This dude is pretty famous, he used to be a President or something :o)
I cooked for him once about 2 years ago. Man wasn't that a huge fuss over nothing, don't get me wrong I like ol Bill a lot. But he came to eat at a restaurant I was working in when he was no longer President and he brought with him 8 secret service agents and arrived in 2 black SUVs. We had to section of an area of the restaurant for him and his 8 guests and secret service men "roamed" the restaurant as he ate, often talking into their ear pieces.
We couldn't stop laughing in the kitchen, someone asked one of the "roaming" agents if he wouldn't mind picking up plates as he went along, the agent didn't smile.
I think Bill had whiting fillets.
He's pretty tall and has a really large head. This observation formed a part of one of the laughing points. The security had the restaurant pretty much locked down both inside and out, but he sat out on the balcony overlooking the river and the city and his huge head, with that mass of white hair, would have been pretty damn easy to spot through the scope of a high powered rifle from some distance. If he had been shot there, I would've been forever known as the guy who prepared his last meal hehehehe!! Thus delivering me fame as well :o)