Just read some good news regarding the whaling conference. Seems Japan was beaten in an attempt to introduce secret voting.
Conservation countries led by Australia beat by a single vote Japan's attempt to slash the meeting agenda. The anti-whaling bloc confirmed its strength by defeating a Japanese proposal to introduce secret ballots.
But in a setback for the whales, the details of the Japanese Antarctic "research" whaling program have been obtained revealing that about 1000 whales will be harpooned in the Southern Ocean. As well as the 935 minkes, the whalers will begin killing endangered fin whales next summer, and humpbacks from 2007-08, building up to 50 each of these species, under a scientific permit that commission rules allow Japan to set itself.
Baby steps, I know but fingers crossed they get slamdunked on all they attempt. Then all we have to do is figure out a way to stop them hunting under the bullshit premise of "scientific research"