I used to be a chef. Did it for about 18 years. Cooked in England and here in Australia, had my own restaurant, ran my own catering business and all in all had a fairly successful carrer. I even got to cook for some famous people. I'll list a few in no order other than the one in which I remember them.

Lauren Bacall, Marlon Brando, John Cleese, Bryan Ferry, Rod Stewart, Richard Harris ~ Harris once sent the breakfast I had made him back to me, with his bowl of yoghurt and his banana shoved into his porridge, he then rang the kitchen from his room and abused me for making his porridge with milk instead of water hehehe, the other chefs were like are you okay and I'm like "yeah, I just spoke to Richard Harris, COOL!!"

Hmmm, who else, Boy George, man could that plonker eat, Lord Snowden, Alan Bond and his family, worst mannered arsehole I've ever met, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. They actually ran into me when I finished work one day, I had just left the kitchen stepped onto the street (in London) and this couple who were jogging pretty much bowled me over, I look up and its big Bruce and Demi going, "Are you okay?", "Um yeah thanks" and off they went.

The few things I've realised after cooking for these "celebs" is that a lot of em are fairly normal people, some are jerks, some are shy, some tip the kitchen and some are just plain dumb. But like you and I they have to eat. So why am I dribbling all of this, I don't know really, seeing as I started out to make a post about Iron Chef :o) so without further ado...

This is a bit of a fav TV show, it's corny, the dubbed voices are hilarious as is the badly acted sincerity of the shows host. But I love it, but this may all be about to change. You see there is this country, a long way from here, which has a huge entertainment industry. Sadly they don't have the ability to invent an original idea of their own. So they just take ideas for shows that are already successful in their own right and screw them into a sterile version of their own. Welcome to the United States of America

They did it recently with an English TV show called The Office, a clever original concept, well acted and bloody funny. But the US can't just be content in showing the original show, they think Americans wont get the humour, so they make their own version and 95% of the time it sucks. They haven't yet grasped the idea that the reason the original was a success is due to the subtleties that the show had, remake it and you loose that.

Now they are about to botch up Iron Chef, yep, here comes Iron Chef America ~ The Series. Um why "the series" on the end, I mean do you think that unless you tell us it's a series we wont figure that out? I guess after its on once a week for a few weeks I might start wondering "hmmm is this a series?" For fucks sake! Anyway I'm sure they'll screw this one up too.

The citizens of the good ol USA even need directions on how to eat spaghetti it seems, that's why websites like this one exist. The instructional video is here. Hey Americano gringos, here's some instructions on how to poach an egg as well, hey who am I kidding, once people find out I used to be a chef this is the most asked question I get. "What's the best way to poach an egg?" It's a world wide dilemma.


stu said…
ah yeah, I remember that one. I think the list goes on and on, they tried Absolutely Fabulous as well, but they've been doing it for years. "Threes Company" was from the original English "Man about the House" the English one being a shitload funnier.