So I met a girl, we went on 4 dates, they were great, we had fun. But I knew pretty early on that it wasn't gonna gel. She didn't give me that spark, I didn't miss her when she wasn't here. So I ended it. That hasn't gone so well. She's decided that she doesn't want to give up on "us"! Um, 4 dates does not = "us".
So now I have to tread carefully, as we have a mutual circle of friends. And don't you hate when you go to a party and a disgruntled ex is there, its way uncomfortable. I seem to have my share of disgruntled ex's. I guess I still have some to learn about dating.
Ah well, what I regret most is lending her my copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Stupid White Men only 1 day before we broke up. I want them back!!
So I'm heading off again into the field in a few days, going very remote this time, no TV, prob no radio and definately no mobile phone cover, so I'll be reading a lot. Most likely Kurt Vonnegut, I've just discovered Kurt Vonnegut, he's the king of pulp fiction. Great reads. I've also got 3 Hunter. S. Thompsons' to get through, so It's gonna be a smorgasboard of literature for me over the next 3 weeks. Literature, high temps and flies, yep that's my lot for most of October :o)
