GOOD NEWS.............I THINK!!

I'm feeling a little stressed right now!

The good news is, I don't have Ross River Virus. Thank god for that, that shit takes anywhere from 2 weeks to a year to get through you! Just saw the doctor, he stared blankly at me for a bit, went nah "not Ross River", I went " so what then?" he goes, "well since you are feeling better now than you did yesterday and obviously improving then there's not much we can do for you"

:blank stare:

7 years at doctor school and that's the best you can give me? He thinks I've strained my back, "ever have back pains before?" "well yeah" I replied (hasn't everyone at some time) "well if there's a history then thats probably what it is.

:I give up:

So the good news is that I'm feeling better, not perfect, still have some pain but after a night of sweating out the fever (soaked pillow and all) I feel half as bad as I did yesterday. I think I'll live :o) I think I'll find a new doctor!


stu said…
I agree entirely, speaking to friends I had the same symptoms as people they know, 2 in all, who ended up having a virus that lasted 3-4 days, neither of them could move freely, had pains across their lower backs, thigh muscles and a fever, exactly what I had!!

This doctor is a bulk biller, so no cost to me thank fully, although he just made himself some easy money! Hopefully next time I will be able to see my regular doctor.