I'm always curious as to how people find my blog, I'm always curious at why people look at certain pics on my Flickr account and not the others. Most of my pics average around 2 views, so when it came to my attention that a couple of my Flickr pics were getting a heap more hits than 2, I naturally became very curious. At the moment this pic is up to 330 views and this one has been hit over 110 times. The topic matter of these pics also intrigued me and made we wonder what was going on!!
Then just the other day I googled my blog and suprise suprise, look at the 4th link on the page, it was the very same post that these pics were attatched to. It was all starting to make sense now. So it seems that this is what's happening, a large number of people that have visited this blog have searched, gay and doll somewhere on the web and it's brought up this post. So like I said it's always good to see how people find my blog :o)