Caught a play last night "Philadelphia Story" at the Old Mill Theatre in South Perth. Wazza was co staring in it and Gazza was manning the lights.

A somewhat surreal experience seeing your friend on stage for the 1st time, I kept watching him even when he had no lines and thus missed a lot of the opening acts plot :o)

But I soon got used to it and enjoyed the show a lot. But I have to mention this theatre, what a great place. It was like a step back in time, almost as if it was 1930 again. When you arrive there are glasses of sherry laid out for the punters and at interval there's tea and coffee with biscuits. They even have a raffle at intermission, wonderful stuff. Loads of oldies attending and running the show. And the decor was so old school, I thought it was great!

play (1)

Chris gliding through one of the lounge areas in the theatre


Gazza in the control booth


The cast about to take a bow, somehow I have managed to photograph them headless, but that's Wazza above the arrow!!
