I will at this point mention that all animals hunted on this trip were done so for food, killed quickly and humanely and given the utmost respect in death. A few people have commented on these points so I wanted to make that clear. They were not killed for fun and their "stories" were told prior to the cooking and the eating. We've all been very privileged to learn so much about life in the bush from some amazing people, people who's lives and spirits are so very entwined with the bush and all of its' inhabitants.
Of course all of this eating makes some of us extremely tired :o)
I also find that I no longer look at the Bush Turkey in the same way ..... and this lot were extremely lucky not to be next on the menu. Secretly though, I'm glad they were spooked by a 4th one and flew away.
Once I get past that, I simply wonder what they taste like. For instance I love Buffalo meat...very sweet and rich and TENDER when slow cooked...yummmmm
As for the hunting...As long as it's humane and you eat what you kill, then more power to you. I have no delusions that the meat I eat woke up one day,realized it was tired of living and committed suicide.
Roos however are fair game for all :o)
lil bro