Oh hang on no it's not.
I've just had another one of those "daylight saving sucks" debates over breakfast this morning.
The two people debating it with me (we'll call them, Jenny and Dave) are both from the country and are extremely opposed to the idea of daylight saving and seeing as our state government has imposed a 3 year trial of daylight saving on us, they're now livid.
Jenny "The only reason we are having it is because the politicians want it"
Dave "Yeah"
Me "well yeah and so?"
J "well that's not right"
M "why not"
J "we shouldn't have to suffer daylight saving, it ruins your routine"
M "oh for fucks sake, yeah it ruins your routine, how so?"
J"well out in the country where we live it ruins your routine, you don't know what time it is"
M "you own a watch don't you?"
J "yeah but we judge time by daylight"
D "yeah"
M "you don't use your watch? Perhaps you could use your watch"
J "It's hard for the farmers, it ruins their routine and you eat later and your kids wont sleep yadda yadda yadda...."
All of those excuses get pulled out every bloody time I debate somebody on daylight saving, give it a rest please.
M "sorry I haven't heard a single convincing argument against daylight saving yet and you've added nothing new to the anti DS debate, sorry."
J "I hated it when we used to have it and I hate it now"
D "yeah"
M "when we used to have it?"
J "yeah when I was a kid, I hated it then and I hate it now"
M "Jenny you would have been all of 2 or 3 years old when we used to have it. You can remember things you hated when you were 2, I mean you actually had an opinion at age 2?"
J ignoring my comment "There's no need for it, it doesn't make life any better"
M "The east coast of Australia (most of it) has been using daylight saving for years and the sky hasn't fallen on their head, life has not ceased to exist over there, they seem pretty happy with it"
J "yeah but their sun sets on a hill, not like ours which sets on the ocean"
At this point I am momentarily stumped for words, this is actually a new one, finally a new anti daylight saving reasoning, I must know more."
M "please, tell me more"
J "their sun sets on a hill so their days are shorter"
ahhh now I see what's going on
M "so you're saying the entire east coast of Australia has a hill running along it, which causes the sun to set earlier than it would here where the horizon is flat. Along the entire east coast?"
J "most of it"
M "um, well yeah, I'm gonna call bollocks on that, cos I've never seen this "massive sunblocking hill" and in fact when you think of it, based on that argument, you've actually given me another reason for why we should have daylight saving over here. We can get even more usable daylight than the east coasters due to our flat westerly landscape, christ give me a break"
J "No it's just not....."
M "I gotta go to work"
D "yeah"
i want to know just how big this hill is to artificially raise the curvature of the earth by that much. i mean, shit...it must be HUGE.
honestly though, that argument could probably get them into office here or in QLD
She wasn't budging from it either, "you've obviously never lived near a hill" was one of responses to my drop jaw.
ahhh but at least its a new one, I was getting tired of the fading curtains excuse
I suggested we should make a daylight savings jar where, like a swear jar, whenever he mentions DLS he puts in a dollar and we could have an awesome piss up at the end of the year.
Imagine these people if they ever travelled and had to deal with a timezone change.