Wikipedia is a great idea, if you're not familiar with it take a look. For example search your own suburb, it probably has very little there and that's where you come in. You can add to it, that's how Wikipedia works. If you have some knowledge about anything at all then you can add it to Wikipedia.
However this isn't sitting too well with the religious zealots and social right wingers in America. They don't like that sort of secular free speech kinda attitude, so they're doing something about it.
Welcome to Conservapedia. Where everything is put right. You see according to them Wikpedia is anti christian and oh my god, anti American.
They correct things such as.....
The Kangaroo, this ones a gem.
Like all modern animals, modern kangaroos originated in the Middle East and are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood.
I like this correction
I like this correction
The Wikipedia entry for the Piltdown Man omits many key facts, such as how it was taught in schools for an entire generation and how the dating methodology used by evolutionists is fraudulent.
Speaking of evolution, see how it is clearly debunked in Conservapedia.
Be careful around Cactus, they're the work of satan.
Stalin, not a nice guy I agree, apparently all because he was an atheist.
Stalin and Richard Dawkins are prominent atheists. Dawkins wrote a book, called "The God Delusion". Stalin is now dead, having killed millions of people in the name of Marxis-Leninism (which is predicated on atheism). Since atheists have no God, as a philosophical framework atheism simply provides no logical basis for any moral standard. They live their lives according to the rule that "anything goes". In recent years, this has led to a large rise in crime, drug use, pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancy, pedophilia and bestiality.
Oh and there's no sex on Conservapedia, oh no that just wouldn't do.
Homosexuality gets this response
Homosexuality is referred to four times in the Bible; it is not a topic mentioned by Jesus in the four gospels, and the only reference in the New Testament is in the letters of Paul.
Interestingly, neither Testament condemns female homosexuality.
Interestingly, neither Testament condemns female homosexuality.
Well phwoaaar who would condemn a couple of chicks gettin it on, obviously even those who wrote the bible enjoyed a good old lesbian jelly wrestling night every now and then.
Feel like a good debate, here's a topic just waiting for your input. Crusades.....Good or Bad? Ooh I could sooo get into that one.
I could go on and on and on, but really you should check it out for yourselves it's a hell of a good laugh. Thank you Conservapedia for making it all so much better for me. Up until now I was being brainwashed by those radical left wingers, however I can now see the truth.
in one inspired post they just openly admitted to censoring "anti-Christian or anti-american" posts and then accused Wikipedia of having a bias for....censoring posts.