My neighbourhood is going/returning to the shit.

I pulled up in front of my house this afternoon in front of a Ford sedan which was parked right out front. I jumped out of my car and went to the passenger side to retrieve my laptop and some reports. As I turned to leave there is suddenly the most hideous junkie standing right next to me. Scared the bejeebus out of me, I so didn't hear her get out of the car and walk up to me.
I sort of gave her a short shocked smile
"If I give you my number do ya wanna share a cone with me later?"
"If I give you my number do ya wan....."
"Nah thanks but um nah"
"Oh okay, so what ya studying?" obviously she's noticed the reports
"I'm not it's work"
"What ya do?"

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At this point I realised that I was engaging her waaaaaaay too much and now I've noticed the whacked dude in the drivers seat. I'm done here I thought and walked away.
"Jeez you're happy!"
Oh you so got me pegged babe.
I checked a while later and my car was still in one piece.
So I'm now wondering if she just took an instant shine to me and thought hey that dude would be fun to share a cone with or I simply have to brush up on my street jive and realise that cone obviously meant sex. A regular chick magnet I am.


Anonymous said…
oh very nice man, what an awesome end to a day in the office.

look at it this way...least you didnt get robbed...

stu said…
Anonymous said…
i would say you're a chick magnet dude.Always go for the better choice of the two.

lil bro
stu said…
yeah Jus, but I have to question just how much of a "chick" she actually was. It wasn't pretty.