"Please don't put the spoon into the food"
"Um did you not hear it slide across the metal tray? It was accidental"
"Oh okay"
I'm not a very pleasant person in the mornings, people who know me well are reading this and nodding in agreement. So to have this conversation with one of the kitchen hands in the dry mess at breakfast this morning merely adds to my agitation.
My death stare and sudden retort knocked her down a rung. But then I felt bad, I bet spoons end up in the food trays ALL the time. 7 to 800 men on site, of which 98% have the manners of an ape, not to mention the personal cleanliness issues. So she just saw me as another of those apes.
But then I thought, hey I'm not an ape, stuff her.
But then I thought, she's just doing her job, I should be more understanding.
But then I thought, sod her, she should maybe think before opening her mouth.
But then I thought, her job must suck, washing dishes, stacking food, feeding the apes.
But then I thought ....