I almost choked on my smoked salmon croissant and freshly squeezed guava juice at breakfast this morning as I read a story in that most sophisticated of newspapers, The Sunday Times (note sarcasm), about a young Russian millionaire who spent $1 Million dollars on his wedding to a local girl.
Wow a million dollars huh? Must have been awesome, well I'm sure they thought so. They did have very good wine....on the bridal table at least.
The bridal table had decanted bottles of the 1986 Penfolds Grange Hermitage, worth $2000 each, and said to be the couple's favourite drop.
That is only the beginning of the cash down toilet and flush moments....................
Nearly $4000 was spent on the fuel bill to power the generators of the $80,000 marquee while the flower bill topped $60,000.
As much as I could go on and on about how much good they could have done with a million big ones amongst say the underprivileged of society who I'm sure would enjoy the odd salmon croissant for brekky, I wont. Simply because something else other than the sheer monetary wastefulness of this day has made me real in horror......
That something else is .....The Menu
Dinner choices included double-crumbed deep-fried WA camembert with plum sauce for entree, chicken Florentine or peppered beef for main, followed by a local cheese platter.
Double crumbed WHAT??? With chicken WHAT and peppered WHAT?? Holy crap, a million dollars and the best you could do is resurrect a menu from the Mt Claremont RSL 1967 christmas party. My god!! That is insane and completely .... um ....... I'm momentarily lost for words.....
I best reign in my criticism or else I may have a visit from the Rusky Mafia, god knows how this dude made his money. At least now we know how he spends it.
The happy couple.


Full story here


Anonymous said…
I so hope the paper just made that bit up about "said to be the couple's favourite drop" - because if I wanted people to think I was really really pretentious, couldnt think of a better way of expressing it.

I feel nauseous about the amount of money that just got pissed up against a Baldivis farm fence.
Anonymous said…
What do they remake letover smoked salmon croissants into the next day at the mine mess Stu?

stu said…
That's easy Waz, they simply become "tomorrows" smoked salmon croissants ;)