These are fantastic. All of them "the concrete skeletons of five-star hotel complexes" abandoned on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. The Architecture center in Vienna is having a photograhic exhibition showing these failed dreams. The page is in German so I've translated it for you (as best as the babel fish could)


As a Fata Morgana rises up unfinished the concrete skeletons of luxury hotel plants, remained, which the artist duo Haubitz+Zoche photographed between 2002 and 2005 in the desert on the Egyptian peninsula Sinai, before the window blind of the blue sky up. From their intended splendour alone still the promiseful names "Sultan's Palace", "being bath", "Sunestra" or "Magic Life imperial" witness - to designations, which suggest vacation luck with eastern flair.
The causes for the building stop of the hotel departments are various, them are enough from bad investments over defraudation of national subsidy credits up to the decrease of the tourism due to the disconcertion by terrorist attacks. Haubitz+Zoche illustrated these investment ruins isolated as building sculptures before the background of a deserted mountain and desert landscape. Their function is thereby equally documentarily and konzeptuell, the photographs freely from narrativen connections.Entrance freely!
Edit: Here's a nice find from Tiff posted in the comments, an abandoned resort in Sanchih, northern Taiwan. Awesome buildings, I wont post the pics cos I once got spanked by flickr for posting someone elses pic on my blog, so just click here.



A cupcake or two said…
Have you seen these ones in Taiwan?

stu said…
Wow they're fantastic, I had heard about an 80 floor hotel in Nth Korea that was abandoned but not these. Thanks for the link.