So the sky above my place is full of every available news and police helicopter. Some dude has taken control of the top floor of the Perth Stock Exchange. Can't see anyone jumping from any roof tops yet. Bit of Friday afternoon excitement.
Stock Exchange is in the dark glass tower left of the ANZ building
Stock Exchange is in the dark glass tower left of the ANZ building
Sent an email to Chris, who's office is next door to the Stock exchange
Me: Mate can you see the gunmen from your desk?
Chris: Can’t but the choppers are giving me the shits. I’m about to head out for a bike ride with a client. I didn’t envisage having to dodge gunfire. Please God don’t let me die in lycra.
took some vid of the choppers but it turned out awful. Below is a cap from the vid, two choppers in top left corner of pic (yes they're choppers, I told you it was awful)
Edit: Choppers have all left the skies now. Must be all over.