Angove Street, Nth Perth
I've driven past this hundreds of times and never noticed the old gull wing roof over the driveway. So I figure it's worthy of inclusion.
I was in Angove St to buy a cover for my Vespa - which has arrived - at the motorcycle shop. Whilst I was inside I had this bizzare conversation with the woman behind the counter
WBC: "Sorry that's the wrong pin number"
Me: "Ahh so many numbers to remember in your life these days, I'll try again"
WBC: "Yeah and you also never know what sort of information is stored on those magnetic strips on your card do you"
I had no inkling of where this conversation was heading so I continued
Me: "Yeah, you even have a magnetic strip in your passport these days"
WBC: "Well my friend works at King Edward Memorial Hospital and she says they're chipping babies now!"
Me: "Chipping??"
WBC: "Microchipping"
Me: "Oh um...."
WBC: "Yep, so now when the government gets sick of anyone they can just :she snaps her fingers: get rid of em"
What could I say to that? Nothing, so I just smiled, nodded my head, took my card and made my exit. Let's hope she's right.... I have a few names for THAT list ha!
Someone has been watching Zeitgeist - The Movie!!!