Last night I had a dream (stay with me people, I know I know, I also hate it when bloggers blog their dreams, but I'm making a point here) that I was flying into LA on a commercial aircraft, I looked out the window and down below I noticed the run down neighbourhoods full of ruined and empty multi story buildings.
Suddenly the plane turned hard left and we began to descend.
As we dropped down I realised we weren't landing at an airport, we were landing on a large street in the slum area. As we touched down the wing scraped along the sides of the buildings that lined the street. I yelled out in panic "We're gonna lose that wing!"
Suddenly the plane stopped and we all stepped out quick as a flash, no injuries. It was then that I realised I should be filming this for my blog ...... OK ...... right ...... stop this dream right here. This is what I have issue with, because not only did I think this but I actually at this very point of the dream put the dream into rewind so that I repeated the exit from the plane, only this time I was filming, filming this giant plane parked in a suburban street for my blog!
OMG!! I think that when you start to manipulate your dreams so that you can "get the shot" for your blog, then it might be time to assess if you maybe have some serious issues with just how much blogging you do.
Maybe I need to get some more therapy...... sheesh, or maybe I need a new hobby*.
*no I do not maybe need to get a life, If I didn't already have one I wouldn't have anything to blog about now would I?



Wow. They need to add "blogging" into the Dream Dictionary. I need to know what it means! :)
stu said…
Ha! if they ever do let me know the result :)