A fast and furious 2 and a half days of jetting around the country and interviewing potential employees has finally come to an end. As tiring as it was I did enjoy it and we had some good results so it was worth it.
Managed a much better seat for the 5 hour haul from Brisbane to Perth which was great. I usually refrain from eating airline food but 5 hours was just too long a space of time so I indulged...
Managed a much better seat for the 5 hour haul from Brisbane to Perth which was great. I usually refrain from eating airline food but 5 hours was just too long a space of time so I indulged...
Adam is suitably unimpressed with his food as well

Spectacular views of the South Oz coastline and some intense cloud cover

Spectacular views of the South Oz coastline and some intense cloud cover
Finally approaching Perth, to be greeted by half empty dams....
....and fires in the hills, although I'm thinking CALM burn offs.
Destination - that flat strip top middle of pic
The hills as we come into land
You cant shit for days after that crap cause its not food, its paint rocks.
Mate i hope you didn't get lured by the dark side.
Use the force and be strong.LOL