The last part of the big weekend is here. Following a quick dip in the Marble Bar pool it was a short drive to Chinamans pool. Everyone asked why they call it Chinamans pool and I really don't know, mostly because I'm no expert on the naming of pools but I'm gonna guess. There's an old abandoned gold mine down the road and I'm pretty sure those places employed cheap Chinese labour back in the day, so maybe the Chinese bathed and washed their clothes and whatever in this pool. Now I'm just guessing but I think it's a good guess.
Then I had this standoff. One of us had to back was me.
The aforementioned abandoned Comet gold mine
The aforementioned abandoned Comet gold mine
Final stop was this also abandoned ammunition storage facility from WW2. You seriously can't see it when you drive up and from above it mostly looks like the hill it was cut into. There's an old WW2 military airstrip somewhere nearby and this is where they stored the munitions for the planes. Well hidden from the Japanese I guess.