Today is recovery day, recovery from yesterdays annual boys lunch. A lunch we do every year except for the 3 years in between each lunch where we fail to either a) organise it or b) all be in the same country on the same day. Thus this is actually only the 2nd of these we've managed since 2006. Tri annual maybe?

il lido cantina

Because it was the most magnificent day yesterday we decided to tackle Il Lido on Cottesloe Beach for lunch and then trek on up to that old western suburb stalwart the OBH for some post lunch ales.

Italian Beer

il lido1

dave and chris


What a glorious day, summer will be here soon.

cottesloe beach


Views of and from the OBH

OBH beers


One of the bonuses of sitting at a beach side pub is the sunset, I couldn't quite capture it from inside but this shot from the carpark pretty much sums it up.

nth cott sunset

Then it was on to Chris and Marissa's place for way too much red wine and some dancing lessons from Macca. All steps choreographed to Neil Diamonds Kentucky Woman.

dance step 7

dance step 1

dance step

dance step 5

Good Times
