So that's christmas day done and dusted. So much build up, so much organizing, so much cooking and then....it's all over. I had a great christmas day, was meant to head to a friends house but plans changed and we went to a friends friends house. End result I knew 2 of the 8 other people there and this is what made it so good. One from Canada, one from Ireland and two from Norway. So amazing conversations throughout the day about all kinds of stuff. That and there was the great food....
  • leg of ham with a maple syrup glaze (the Canadian influence)
  • rare roast sirloin of beef with mustards
  • whole barramundi packed in sea salt and fennel seeds then cooked on the BBQ
  • watermelon and mint salad
  • a char grilled vegie salad with caramelized red onion and a basil oil vinaigrette that I whipped up (see pics below)
  • finished off with Pete's layered chocolate and nougat brownie sponge cake = deeeelish
I was so engrossed in the day that I pretty much failed to take pics




The final product


Pete packs the Barramundi in salt and fennel seeds

salted barra

I hope you all ate yourselves stupid on the day


Van Strapp said…
I bought some zucinnis today for this express purpose. Also got some capsicum and some other goodies. BBQ coming up!
stu said…
ahhh man, it's the BEST way to cook vegies IMO
The Desp. said…
Leaves my Christmas feast to shame.
stu said…
mate I ate waaaaaaay too much over xmas, laps of Hyde Park here I come
The Desp. said…
Drink some of the water as you walk around - I'm sure it'll cause you to shed the kilo's!! lol.
stu said…
Hahah and most of my internal organs