sing it "Everybody" "dood oot dood oot dood oot"
Steve, Waz, Gaz and I slipped a few hours of ten pin in this afternoon, great fun. Couple of cold brewskies and smash a few pins, the prefect afternoon. As crap as we all are at bowling we actually did pretty well. I even managed 6 strikes in a row and yet still lost to Steve by 3 points.

As soon as we started our second game the power crashed out on us and we lost all of the neon and blue light, imagine how stunned we were to see that walls were....yellow!

Someone suggested a beer at The Rosemount Hotel across the road and so it was

Followed up by tasty burgers

Followed up by tasty burgers

The guys and gals on the table at the back of this pic were constantly checking out Steves and my tattoos, well Steves really. Turns out they are the crew from the tattoo shop across the road from the hotel. So we dubbed them North Perth Ink. Good times.