It's been the week for it.

Fail #1: I received a spam email 3 few days ago wishing me a happy birthday

Happy Birthday from‏
From: Happy Birthday! (
Sent: Sunday, 13 December 2009 12:29:25 PM
Except my birthday was the 13th November. You'd kind of need the correct month for Astrology wouldn't you? Keep at it tiger, it'll work eventually.


Fail #2: A shop a few doors down from our office sells all things related to Astrology, Psychic readings Oracle whatevers, healing objects like crystals and Egyptian statues etc etc. So you'd kind of expect them to be on top of things, especially with the psychic stuff. I mean that's a hell o a heads up if ever there was one....right? Wrong, because today they obviously didn't see something comin....


and just for another laugh, funnier because the suburb this shop is in was recently named as the suburb with the worst crime rate of any suburb in Western Australia

Yeah that oughta do it....

