Gaz (YeLPars' eyes on the ground - Northbridge zone) sent me this today, he snapped it at the corner of William and James st. What scares me the most is this is the store that did MY tattoo and you'd kind of hope that if anyone is gonna spell something correctly it should be the dudes that ink you up right? I'm hoping they didn't paint it but man they would have proofed it yeah?

Look closely and you'll see it....

Stay Kalm


Garry D said…
Oh WOW! How AWESOME are the quality of i-phone pics! This came out a hell of a lot better than I expected it would *smile*
The Desp. said…
haha, I'm pretty sure the one around the corner has Doctor spelled wrong as well!
stu said…
Pics I need pics :)
You should leave them a sticky note. I think they would appreciate it. No i mean really!
stu said…
hahaha they probably would. The guys in this shop are pretty mean tough lookin dudes, I have visions of the graffiti artist who did the job lying out back in an alley in Northbridge, amongst the rubbish bins, after they saw this :)
stu said…
cool and err sucky party. fortunately at a stage in life where I no longer allow randoms at my parties