Yep I've finally got my act together and bought myself a house of my own again. I've been renting for 8 years now and I really should have bought sooner. I've found a converted church hall in Mt Lawley and I'm moving tomorrow. More on that later.
One of the benefits of moving house is finding stuff you thought you'd lost. Like these old pics of Penny and myself in Surfers Paradise, QLD. Late 80's I think. Both of us looking extremely young, fit and tanned ....ahhh the days! Photo booth pics are the best aren't they? Sadly most are colour these days and that's only if you can actually find one
One of the benefits of moving house is finding stuff you thought you'd lost. Like these old pics of Penny and myself in Surfers Paradise, QLD. Late 80's I think. Both of us looking extremely young, fit and tanned ....ahhh the days! Photo booth pics are the best aren't they? Sadly most are colour these days and that's only if you can actually find one
Check out my rad Ray-Ban Wayfarers....hello ladies!
Yes I know that's a 96fm windcheater, but hey that's all we had back then :/

Yes I know that's a 96fm windcheater, but hey that's all we had back then :/
...and don't kid yourself - we DIDN'T all have 96fm windcheaters...
and yeah you did