I've been spotting these billboards along my route home through Claremont lately and someone spotted one on the back of a bus. I'm not really sure how I feel about them, the Tin Man one is just naff and well pretty damn obvious, I expect there's a brain surgery one out there with a scarecrow in it. I spotted another this afternoon but could't grab a pic, it was for Orthopedics, I think, it had Humpty Dumpty in it after he'd fallen from the wall.
But the who's the fairest in the land one really pissed me off, seriously, let's make women hate their natural selves more shall we. No mention of boob jobs in the pic at least. It is noted however that these adverts are placed in the wealthier suburbs of Perth.
I'm probably ranting over nothing but lately advertising has been getting my goat. I just find most of it annoying and I avoid it when I can. Huge billboards along the side of the road are unfortunately hard to miss. /endrant]