Today we started on our third cave for this trip, we have 9 to excavate all up. This one is oh so very cool, it's one of the largest we've found so far and consists of 4 connected chambers. About 20 metres wide and 40 metres deep it's gonna be a big job. Took a heap of pics today whilst we set up and did our initial checks....
Ildy surveys the height of the cave entrance
looking out from inside the cave
a mummified roo lay between myself and Ildy & kate, very creepy
Kate in profile looking back down towards the entrance
part of the team crawled right up into the very back chamber to look at some wood that we found cached in the rear. It was pitch black up there, covered in roo poo and pretty damn hot. But all worth it when you find cool stuff like this that can be dated. We started to think about those miners in Chile who are stuck down there for months, no thanks, glad to have a way out.
looking back down towards the entrance over my feet and past Tom
Adam and I decided that way down in the rear chamber would be a great time to check conditions on our excavation permit, err okay
all hail the found wood
some more mummified roo action
previous tenants
tomorrow we dig