Someone asked me a few months ago "Why do you blog?" I never really know how to answer that without going into a whole the world is changing with the use of the Internet and now you can look into many many windows of life across the globe thing. My blog is just one of those windows. Someone somewhere may be peeking into my story down here in this little city in this corner of the world because I most certainly am peeking into windows all over the world, via the 261 blogs currently on my blogroll (yes I just counted them). One of my top 20 blogs is The Sartorialist and in this clip he pretty much sums up blogging (you'll get the pearl of wisdom near the end) or at least how I see blogging. Plus it's a great mini doco on the guy and nice to finally put a face to the photographer. The barber shop scene makes me kinda wanna cut my hair short too....kinda.
