My buddy Dave sent this through to me today, it's one of his girls grade 3 exam papers. Have a read of the first page story about the sickly Lion and the cagey Fox....


Now check out question 2 and her response....


Teacher could have at least given her half a mark


Stella said…
HAHHAHA!! HILARIOUS!!!! Oh my gosh. That laugh was a good start to my day.

I agree on the half point.
stu said…
I know :)

Teachers have no sense of humour
Anonymous said…
and can't spel -Reb.
erin said…
Was Reb being funny?

Either way that kid's response is probably the best thing I've ever seen. I hope Dad's saving that for daughter's 21st birthday. Poor kid must've been so embarrassed thinking she had to write that as her answer.
stu said…
I think Reb was havin a go at the teachers....I hope

and oh yeah my buddy will be keeping this one in the vault :)
Anonymous said…
yes , hence the one l -Reb.