I mean let's face it, we've had to put up with street hookers in and around Palmerston st, crack dens all over the place, we've even had those hideous street lights placed down the middle of the main st in an attempt to get the "kinda like a village" effect. And we've tolerated all of this, risen above it even, hell some have embraced it (each to their own) but dear god what kind of new hell is this being forced upon at the top end of Beaufort st. How can we be expected to survive this? What if it takes off and becomes popular amongst our children. For the sake of humanity wont somebody start a petition or something and put a stop to this before we find find our streets filled with clones. This is not a drill people, this is serious....
the eyes...they follow you!
I have def become overloaded with the Sheen since and am willing to retract my earlier statement. Please consider this blog post as that retraction
you're a bowling shirt away .
I do admire his sex with porn stars .