Always curious to discover how people are finding my blog on the web and happy to note that almost 66% are not sent by search engines. Of the searches though I am curious about how the last one got in there. No I am not offering any nor do I know where you can get a good one ....

On the upside the previous oddity "Duck Necrophilia" seems to have fallen out of the top 20.


Gregoryno6 said…
I've kept a couple of my favourite search terms. 'Santa sucks' - badly timed, that one, just a week before Christmas. Also, 'best wank ever'.
But for sheer horror value I don't reckon anything beats 'Julia Gillard naked'. I'm just glad it wasn't my blog they were led to...
stu said…
hahah they're awesome
Anonymous said…
lol , don't sell ya self short , it got you thru uni and when ya good ya good , i just didn't know you were still doing it ........ -Reb.
stu said…