We caught the Mythbusters Behind the Myth Tour last night at the Perth Arena. My first time in the new arena and my first time at a show like this. 

Arena verdict: The arena is pretty cool, works well and crowd flow was nice, no major waits for food or drinks either.

Show verdict: Wow, great fun, completely pointless at times and no myths busted but so what. laughed out loud a pile of times, learnt a couple of things and the finale with the paint ball gun consisting of 4 fully automatic barrels firing 4,800 rounds per minute was the most uber geekingly awesome thing I have ever seen. I need one. Fourth row seats were pretty sweet too.

Some pics and a vid of the final act

Adam and Jamie 
Gargantuan head
The gargantuan head that sat in front of me the entire show, look at my view... look at it
Crowd sourcing
Jamie rushes by
Adam up
Suspended by a phone book
Star wars scene
Not sure why this scene happened, an excuse to dress up I think, no biggie. I mean who doesn't love a stormtrooper?!
Giant head
Seriously look at the size of this head
Crowd Selfie
Jamie crowd selfie
and thenAdam rushes by
Preparing a dude in a suit of armour for the finale

4 fully automatic paint ball guns firing 4,800 rounds per minute. It's as awesome as it sounds

That's the show folks
Edit: Adding Adam and Jamie's selfie from the show, you can spot us if you look closely (hint - first 4 rows)
