Someone told me at work the other week that when men reach the age of 50 they start to take a lot more interest in birds and basically become bird watchers. Lovers of all things avian, "They call em twitchers".
I told her she was nuts, that's such a generalisation and she was talking rubbish.
Anyway, here's some photos I took of birds this month during the annual Aussie Bird Count. It's the second time i've taken part in it.
A Laughing Dove - Spilopelia senegalensis
Carnabys Black Cockatoos - Calyptorhynchus latirostris
A Brown Honeyeater - Lichmera indistincta
An Australian Ringneck Parrot - Barnardius zonarius
looking down at a Spiny Cheeked Honeyeater - Acanthagenys rufogularis
A most handsome Australian Ringneck Parrot - Barnardius zonarius
A Spiny Cheeked Honeyeater - Acanthagenys rufogularis
Australian Magpie - Gymnorhina tibicen
Collectively Aussies all across the country counted over 3,700,000 birds over 7 days. It's a pretty cool thing and they've been doing it for 10 years now. I counted 144 birds from 17 different types. And yeah, I'm over 50, why fight it!