I could hear the beeps, they went longer than your usual beeps. Can you not reverse dude? Enough already. And then I heard the hydraulics.

Right, not your usual reverse, so I step out onto the balcony.

Am I on fire?

Why are there fire men & fire women out front and why are they raising that ladder?

So I asked him "errr, do we need to step out?"

Nope he replied, this guy just locked himself out of his apartment.

I also am an Australian, so I know a taking the piss response when I hear one.

We smiled and chuckled back and forth to each other.

The bucket went up, with two crew, it went out of site, nobody looked very concerned.

I peered over the balcony and eyeballed two young dudes I'd had the good fortune to tell to shut the fuck up at 1AM a couple of nights back. It seemed the right thing to do at the time. They smiled at me, maybe I look different angry. I smiled back, I shook my head in that universal, I don't know what's going on either, way. Everyone seemed chill.

Things were discussed and the bucket came back down. I couldn't smell smoke. I couldn't hear a crying cat. Easter Monday was healing.

And I still don't know what happened.
