I haven't had a rant for a while now, life's been cruising along just fine. Nothings pissed me off very much at all :o)

Until today!!

I've torn a couple of cruciate ligaments in my left knee, not today mind you, I did it a few weeks back. But today I had to ring the specialist I was referred to by my doctor.

Receptionist: "Doctor Wr*ns' rooms, how can I help you?"

Me: "I would like to make an appointment with Dr Wr*n please, I have a referral from my doctor"

R: "Have you been here before?"

M: "No"

R: "Do you have private health cover?"

M: :No"


R: "Could you tell me the nature of your injury?"

M: "Yes, I've torn a couple of cruciate ligaments in my knee"

R: "Doctor Wr*n wouldn't be able to help you with that!"


M: "I beg your pardon?"

R: :sigh: "Doctor Wr*n wouldn't be able to do that"

M: "What do you mean he WOULDN'T be able to do that?, that's what he does!"

R: "I'm sorry I can't help you"


See, now that's just plain fucking annoying, it's not that he "can't" help me, its just that he wont make as much money off of me because I am not a private patient!! What's most galling is that after she asked if I was private or not, she asked another question so as to use the answer form that as the reason I couldn't see him. A lame arsed attempt to make out that it wasn't the health cover that was the issue.

I guess he needs to service his BMW this week!! Ahhh, the hypocritical oath!!


Ranx said…
Since when do surgeons employ door bitches??

One more step toward the "user pays" society. Sorry, society?, I meant "economy".
stu said…
You speak the gospel my friend. It's gonna be very interesting to see how this all pans out. Stay tuned!!