I haven't had a rant for a while now, life's been cruising along just fine. Nothings pissed me off very much at all :o)
Until today!!
I've torn a couple of cruciate ligaments in my left knee, not today mind you, I did it a few weeks back. But today I had to ring the specialist I was referred to by my doctor.
Receptionist: "Doctor Wr*ns' rooms, how can I help you?"
Me: "I would like to make an appointment with Dr Wr*n please, I have a referral from my doctor"
R: "Have you been here before?"
M: "No"
R: "Do you have private health cover?"
M: :No"
R: "Could you tell me the nature of your injury?"
M: "Yes, I've torn a couple of cruciate ligaments in my knee"
R: "Doctor Wr*n wouldn't be able to help you with that!"
M: "I beg your pardon?"
R: :sigh: "Doctor Wr*n wouldn't be able to do that"
M: "What do you mean he WOULDN'T be able to do that?, that's what he does!"
R: "I'm sorry I can't help you"
See, now that's just plain fucking annoying, it's not that he "can't" help me, its just that he wont make as much money off of me because I am not a private patient!! What's most galling is that after she asked if I was private or not, she asked another question so as to use the answer form that as the reason I couldn't see him. A lame arsed attempt to make out that it wasn't the health cover that was the issue.
I guess he needs to service his BMW this week!! Ahhh, the hypocritical oath!!
One more step toward the "user pays" society. Sorry, society?, I meant "economy".