'Jesus poses' for everyone



Armin Van Burren @ decks

Armin at his decks
The only bad thing about this show is that I now feel even worse for missing the White Party last year. See Damn It All To Hell and Sometimes Life Blows.
It truly was a great set, yet everyone else who didn't miss the White Party says that last year was a touch better. I'm just over the moon that the gods and planets all aligned and I got to go this time. So I can't compare and that's now fine by me.

Armin Van Burren Jesus Pose

I was going to try and count the jesus poses but I forget after 2, hehe
The show opened with local DJ Sean Chee who produced a great set, sadly he was followed up by Mark James who really disappointed. What was with all that scratching? It was all over the place, ruined it big time. Finally he was gone (well almost gone) and then what we really came for - Mr A.V Buuren - Awesome stuff, brilliant as usual, perfect mixing and some fantastic sounds, 4 hours seemed to go on forever (no complaints there). He is truly the best on the planet at the moment (waves to Tiesto). A cool suprise was the appearance of his brother Eller, so didn't expect that, but should have. He obviously would have been doing the Armin Only sets on the east coast, why doesn't Perth have a venue big enough/good enough for a show like that? Maybe once they build the Perth Arena? Who knows.

Eller Van Buuren

Eller on guitar
Like I said we were almost free of Mark James, cept he kept popping into Armins set shouting out stuff like, "How you doin Perth" yeah pretty good thanks now go away! Damn he was annoying. An MC should just introduce and send off at the end, we so do NOT need to hear your voice every time YOU feel like hearing your voice.



The crowd at Metros
All up a great night, same again next year please :)

